A dramaturgical resource created by Corinna Archer Kinsman for "Barbarous Nights," a play in four shades and a prologue, grapefruit tumbleweed and the great green moon. Writen and directed by Sam Creely after the poetry and plays of Federico García Lorca.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Talk Back Performance with Special Guests from Modern Languages!
After the performance on Thursday, Novemeber 11th, at 8pm there will be a talk back with the cast and creative team that is especially for Professor Candace Skibba's Spanish students who have been studying Lorca this semester. Get ready for some great questions that will really put our bilingual script to the test! This talk back should be a wonderful chance for the audience to give us feedback and ask about what they just saw and for us to learn more about how an audience reacts to and what it takes away from Barbarous Nights. Join us!